🕗 Thaw di Gras Activities at Minto Park - Saturday, March 16- 1pm to 4pm
City of Dawson and partners welcome you to Minto Park to enjoy some fun activities in the snow with us! We plan to get the entire park groomed and have a small sliding hill built thanks to the Dawson Ski Association. Along with the outdoor ice rink, a fire pit, and a slough of activities; this will be the place to be Saturday afternoon of Thaw di Gras weekend. Activities are still being settled, but we expect to provide the following:
- Kicksled Poker Run - Follow our route and get 5 cards at various stops inside the park. Poker hands are compiled, and the best hands win prizes, including one T7 Kicksled from Kicksled Revolution. This is a free event
- Can Crushing Races - Stomp the cans, collect them and put them in the recycling bin. Fastest players win. Multiple categories.
- Sliding Hill (TBD) - Thanks to Dawson Ski Association, come slide your way through the park.
- Human Curling (TBD) - Teams of three. Push your teammates to select locations on the ice surface for various points. Highest score wins.
- Hot Chocolate and Fire - Thanks to the Dawson City Volunteer Fire Fighters Association