Community Grants

The City of Dawson awards community grants to community groups serving the City of Dawson and its residents as outlined in the Community Grants Policy.  The objectives of the program are to:
  • support community groups in the achievement of goals through financial and in-kind support,
  • promote a healthy, sustainable, and active community, and 
  • ensure fair and open access to all community groups for funding assistance. 

Apply for a Community Grant

The annual Community Grant budget is allocated evenly over three intakes. Intake deadlines for Community Grant applications are: 

If application deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, submissions are due the following business day.  

A call for applications will be advertised at least two weeks prior to intake deadlines.

A completed Community Grant Application (see below for form) can be submitted to Parks & Recreation Department, City of Dawson

in person at 1336 Front Street
by email to
by mail to PO Box 308, Dawson City, YT Y0B 1G0
by fax to (867)993-7434

The Community Grants Committee will meet within two weeks of deadlines and make recommendations for approval at next Council meeting. 

Preference will be given to applications that demonstrate one or more of the following:

  1. Provide a lasting infrastructure legacy to the community;
  2. Demonstrate significant volunteer involvement;
  3. Generate significant local spending and economic impact;
  4. Maintain open public access to the event or project;
  5. Demonstrate partnership with other levels of government and community groups;
  6. Show large event attendance and local involvement;
  7. Have limited access to alternative funding sources;
  8. Generate awareness of City of Dawson;
  9. Create a sustainable public

Dollars left from one intake will be available at the next intake.

Payment of grant is subject to the City receiving the signed Contribution Agreement along with the summary report, receipts and Revenue/Expense summary within six months of the date of notification of approved funding.

General Guidelines

  • No event or program will be funded by the City of Dawson that limits participation based on culture, religion, age or ethnic background.
  • City of Dawson Community Grants Program is suited to support community-based organizations. Other levels of government are not eligible for City of Dawson Community Grants.
  • Applicants are encouraged to be registered Societies in good standing with the Yukon Societies Registrar.
  • Community groups not registered must designate an individual who will sign the required Contribution Agreement and be held responsible for the accountability of expenditures.
  • Applicants who are approved for a Community Grant must demonstrate how the City will be publicly recognized and, within six months of receiving the grant approval letter and prior to receiving any funds, provide a written report to the City detailing what the grant was used for, copy of receipts and what benefits were received by the City. A revenue/expense sheet is required to be submitted as a part of the final report.
  • The City of Dawson Recreation Grant Program is funded through the Community Lottery Program. Applicants eligible for Level 2 funding as outlined in the Recreation Grant Policy shall apply through the Community Grants Program.
  • A Community Grant Committee comprised of the Chief Financial Officer, Recreation Manager and up to 2 (two) members of the public appointed by Mayor and Council for 2 (two) year terms, expiring on alternating years, shall receive, review and make recommendations to Council to approve grant applications.
  • City of Dawson Council is the final approval body for all grants and shall be the final appeal body.
  • Approval of Community Grant applications is subject to City having funds available and where the City has budgeted funds to the Community Grants Fund to assist community groups in the achievement of their goals.
  • No Community Grants will be approved for a project unless an application was received prior to the project proceeding.