Zoning Bylaw and/or Community Plan Amendment

What is a Zoning Bylaw and/or Official Community Plan Amendment? 

Zoning Bylaw Amendments allows for the public to apply for a bylaw amendment to re-zone a property or make changes to the zoning regulations. Official Community Plan Amendments allow for the public to apply to make any changes to goals and policies that are used to guide decision making on planning and land use management. 


Zoning Bylaw and/or Official Community Plan Amendment Process

  1. Applicant submits completed application, including supporting documentation
  2. Application fees paid as per the fees and charges bylaw
  3. Development Officer assesses the application and makes a recommendation to City Council
  4. A bylaw amendment is drafted and passed to City Council
  5. The bylaw amendment is considered passed after three readings of the bylaw


Application Requirements

To ensure the City’s interests are met and to appropriately assess the merits and technical aspects of your proposal, the City requires submission of a number of information items with your application, listed below. 


  • Site Plan (if applicable)


Please note that this is not a comprehensive list and that the development officer  may require additional materials than noted above. 


Timeline of Approval

According to the Yukon Municipal Act, Division 2, the following timeline must apply:

  • 1st reading of the Bylaw
  • Public notification - 2 weeks
  • Public hearing - 7 days after the last date of public notification 2nd reading of the Bylaw
  • 3rd reading of the Bylaw


Approximately 4 weeks to 2 months will be required to undertake a Zoning Bylaw Amendment. The timeline is subject to the specific complexities and research required.