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        Types of Subdivision

Subdivision - Dividing a lot into 2 or more lots 


Boundary Adjustment - Adjusting the boundary between 2 lots 


Consolidation - Amalgamating (combining) 2 or more lots together


Subdivision Process

  1. Applicant submits completed application, including supporting documentation
  2. Application fees paid as per the fees and charges bylaw
  3. Development Officer assesses application for compliance and drafts a report to Council for the application
  4. The report is referred to council, who makes a decision on the application (Please click here for the Council meetings Calendar)
  5. Application is approved
  6. A survey of the subject properties involved in the subdivision must be produced by a land surveyor
  7. Survey is submitted to the Yukon Government Land Titles Office 

Subdivision Requirements

To ensure the City’s interests are met and to appropriately assess the merits and technical aspects of your proposal, the City requires submission of a number of information items with your application, listed below. 



Please note that this is not a comprehensive list and that the development officer or the Heritage Advisory Committee may require additional materials than noted above.  


Timeline of Approval

According to the Yukon Municipal Act, s.320: 

  • An application for subdivision of land shall be considered approved if a decision has not been made by the approving authority within 90 days of the submission* of the application. 
  • However, with the applicant's consent, the approving authority may extend the time allowed for the consideration of an application. 

*An application shall not be considered to have been submitted until all application requirements have been submitted to the satisfaction of a Development Officer.

Subdivision Regulations

  1. Council shall not approve any application for the subdivision of any land within any zone or on any site where the parcels do not meet the minimum requirements prescribed for that zone.
    1. At the sole discretion of Council, parcels with a pre-existing legally non-conforming use or structure may be subdivided so long as the subdivision does not increase the legally non-conforming nature of the use or structure.
  1. Spot land applications and parcel enlargements can be approved at the sole discretion of Council and will not be approved by Council unless the application conforms to the long-term plan for those lands, as described in the OCP or other applicable approved plans.
  2. Notwithstanding section 5.1.1, Council may approve an application for the subdivision of any land within the historic townsite into lots that do not meet the minimum site area requirements prescribed for the underlying zoning district as a heritage conservation incentive, provided
    1. that subdivision is in keeping with the heritage integrity of the community; and
    2. the development proposed for those lots meets the heritage management policies and guidelines of the OCP and the Zoning Bylaw
  1. On receipt of an application for subdivision approval, public notification must be provided in a method approved by Council for two successive weeks prior to decision.

I. Methods of public notification may include the City of Dawson website, local newspapers, the City and Post Office Bulletin Boards, and written notification letters.

II. Written notification letters shall be mailed to contiguous properties.