How to Make a Site Plan
Find the section in the Zoning Bylaw that outlines the specific use and parcel requirements for your zone.
a. For example, s.11.1: R1 Zone (Single Detached and Duplex Residential)
Locate the 'minimum parcel requirements' table (found under 'zone specific regulations') to determine required setbacks.
- Draw all required info on your site plan, making sure to include the following elements
- north arrow and scale
- property lines as per the most recent legal survey
- the location and labelling of all abutting streets, lanes, highways, sidewalks, water bodies, and vegetation any easements that might exist
- all existing and proposed buildings and structures on the lot (this includes decks, porches, steps, fences and similar), labelled with their:
- Use
- Dimensions
- proposed building-to-building, and building-to-property line setbacks
- location and size of parking areas / loading facilities
How to make a Stormwater Management Plan
Goal: To direct runoff to main road (and specify in the plan how will this be accomplished on site)
It is recommended for pads to be packed at a slightly higher grade than the road (but at even grade with adjacent properties when sensible) and on a diagonal, slope the lot gradually to be at an even grade with the main road.
Some examples of stormwater management infrastructure include the following:
Building Infrastructure
- Gutters
- Snow dams/avalanche guards
- Eavestrough
Ground Infrastructure
- Ditching
- Drain Tiles
- Culverts
- French Drains
- Drainage Swale
Note: Snow dams are required on all new builds
How to make a Road Closure Plan
Goal: To safely direct traffic away from the section of the road that you propose to close
- Find a map of or draw the section of the road(s) that you propose to close and its adjacent properties and landmarks
- Be sure to include:
- a north arrow
- property lines as per the most recent legal survey
- labelling of streets and landmarks
- Helpful map websites include:
- Be sure to include:
- Indicate how you propose to safely close the road with road closure infrastructure. Examples of these include:
- Fence
- Emergency Lane
- Parking Lane
- Signage
- Barricade