What is the Development Incentives Program?
There is currently a need for rental housing in the City of Dawson. In order to address land constraints and high construction costs, the City is providing financial incentives for projects for market rentals, affordable rental housing, supportive housing, secondary suites, and vacant properties. Depending on the project, the City is providing tax grants, waiving of development charges, and load capacity charges.
If you believe your project qualifies, please read our Development Incentives Policy to find out more about the program, and refer to the information below.
General Elegibility Criteria
Any development receiving a Development Incentive must be in compliance with the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw prior to the signing of a Development Incentive Agreement.
- A development proposal that includes more than one eligible property, contiguous or otherwise, will be considered in its entirety for a development incentive so long as all applicable Development Permits are obtained within a two-month period, all development components are undertaken by the same developer/owner, and all construction has commenced within one year of issuance of development permits.
- Housing-related incentives apply to the creation of new housing units in renovated, redeveloped and/or newly constructed buildings.
- Vacant and/or underdeveloped property incentives apply to renovations, redevelopment and/or construction.
- Rental and supportive housing units that are part of a mixed-use development in the Downtown Core may be eligible for the applicable housing-related Development Incentive subject to the ability of the City of Dawson to calculate the portion of improvements attributable to the commercial use, for which no Development Incentive shall apply.
- Any rental or supportive housing development that are part of a condominium corporation will be ineligible for Development Incentives.
- Government agencies, at all levels of government, will not be eligible for the Development Incentives under this policy. First Nation corporations are eligible.
- Organizations that enter into a long-term lease (minimum of 20 years) for development and/or use of a government-owned property and will be registered with the City of Dawson as the taxpayer for the leased property are eligible.
- Any applicant for a Development Incentive shall be ineligible if they have outstanding taxes and other monies owed to the City of Dawson.
Development Incentives for Vacant and/or Underdeveloped Property
Specific Eligibility Requirements:
- Development with a minimum construction value of $75,000 in the Historic Townsite
Available Incentive:
5 years of a Standard Tax Grant- a monetary grant in the amount that the developer would have paid in annual municipal taxes as a result of the improvements to the property.
Development Incentives for Market Rental Housing
Specific Eligibility Requirements:
- Development of a minimum of four Market Rental Housing units in the Historic Townsite
Available Incentive:
- 10 years of a Standard Tax Grant- a monetary grant in the amount that the developer would have paid in annual municipal taxes as a result of the improvements to the property.
Development Incentives for Supportive Housing
Specific Eligibility Requirements:
- Development of a minimum of four Supportive Housing units located anywhere within the municipality
- Supportive housing means the use of a building for residential dwelling units that is owned and operated by a non-profit agency or non-government organization and designed to accomodate tenants who require assistance.
Available Incentive:
- 10 years of a Standard Tax Grant- a monetary grant in the amount that the developer would have paid in annual municipal taxes as a result of the improvements to the property.
- A waiver of the Load Capacity Charge
- A waiver of Development Fees
Development Incentives for Affordable Rental Housing
Specific Eligibility Requirements:
- Development of a minimum of four Affordable Housing Units in the Historic Townsite
- Rents must be kept affordable for the entire duration of the Standard Tax Grant. Rents shall be compared on an annual basis against the most recent Rent Survey issued by the Yukon Bureau of Statistics. Rents must be reduced if found to exceed median market rates, whereas owners are encouraged to maintain current rents should they be below median market rates. Recipients are to provide this information with this information with their grant request on an annual basis.
Available Incentive:
- 10 years of a Standard Tax Grant- a monetary grant in the amount that the developer would have paid in annual municipal taxes as a result of the improvements to the property.
- A waiver of the Load Capacity Charge
- A waiver of Development Fees
Development Incentives for Secondary Suites
Specific Eligibility Requirements:
- Secondary suite located anywhere within the municipality.
Available Incentive:
- 3 years Preferred Tax Grant- means a yearly monetary grant in the amount that the developer paid in municipal tax as a result of the assessed value of improvements relating to a principal residence on the property.
- Waiver of Load Capacity Charge
- Waiver of Development Fees
- Waiver of parking requirements for the secondary suite